Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Iesha--The Girl I NEVER Had!

I went to one of those websites where they say what your name means. I looked up the name Iesha; I didn't find out what it means, but I was able to find this graph:

It depicts the popularity of the name Iesha over the past few decades. I suppose Another Bad Creation had something to do with the surge around 1990.

The website has a comment section--or something--which allows people to post short messages about what their name means to them, or whatever else is on their minds. Here are the things people named Iesha felt important enough to pass along to the world:

Comment left Dec 10, 2007: "hey as you know my name is IESHA it hurt to see all you other people have my name but it fits me best and i love it whats kind of weird is i got my name from ANOTHER BAD CREATION and it was called IESHA so thats how i got my name and thats my theme song"

Comment left Dec 04, 2007: "aye wat up im iesha kick it in skool bored and chillen and found this name website its basically g. i love the name is random and rare. its for g's be reppen that." [Aye, wat up, matey!]

Comment left Dec 04, 2007: "HI MI NAME IS IESHA AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE MII MOTHER GOT IT FROM...ALL I KNO IS THAT MII MOTHER WAZ PROUD THE DAY SHE NAMED ME BECAUSE IM YHT YOUNGEST GIRL IN MI FAMILY" [Unless she named you long after you were born, it seems impossible for you to be anything other than the youngest child in your family at the time--which hardly seems an achievement, much less an achievement warranting any sense of pride.]

Comment left Dec 01, 2007: "My name is Iesha and i love my name some people call me Esha or just E. I've gotting different reponses to my name, iv'e had people from Africa tell me it's an African name and ask if i was from there. Alot of white people i came across never heard it and could'nt pronouce it,but i love to explain to people where my mom got it from. She loved Stevey Wonder and thats his daughter name!" [I feel you. My name is Daniel, but people often just call me A.]

Comment left Nov 21, 2007: "My names iesha, IM BLACK! im bootylicious . . . . I LOVE MY NAME BECAUSE IM FLY, my friends call me esh. but i just think the name is THE BEST IN THE WORLD! ,"

Comment left Nov 20, 2007: "my name is iesha im black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love that song with my name in it"

Comment left Nov 17, 2007: "my name is iesha and i'm black but most people think that i am white when they talk to me on the phone but i love my name it's so hot and sexy and i know about the people that say or spell my name wrong it's so freaking awesome"

Comment left Nov 13, 2007: "My name is Iesha.......... GO FABIO & THE ACCOUNTANT!!!!" [?]

Friday, December 7, 2007

Rendez Vous

Posted By: John R.

Rendezvous is a is a short film made in 1976 by Claude Lelouch, showing an eight-minute drive through Paris at 5:30 AM. He mounted a camera on a Ferrari and had the driver go on a set path throughout the city driving as fast as possible without stopping for any lights or other traffic. The things I've read said he went over 3000 Kilometers per hour or something like that. He almost hits loads of other cars and some pedestrians.

In real life I could care less about cars and never have. As long as I have a cup holder and my car can get me to work and back that's all I care about. But I love car chases in movies and this beats those because it's real. This also makes all those Fast & Furious street racing dudes here look like total pussies.