Friday, December 7, 2007

Rendez Vous

Posted By: John R.

Rendezvous is a is a short film made in 1976 by Claude Lelouch, showing an eight-minute drive through Paris at 5:30 AM. He mounted a camera on a Ferrari and had the driver go on a set path throughout the city driving as fast as possible without stopping for any lights or other traffic. The things I've read said he went over 3000 Kilometers per hour or something like that. He almost hits loads of other cars and some pedestrians.

In real life I could care less about cars and never have. As long as I have a cup holder and my car can get me to work and back that's all I care about. But I love car chases in movies and this beats those because it's real. This also makes all those Fast & Furious street racing dudes here look like total pussies.

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