Friday, July 13, 2007


Posted By Usher John R.

Oh boy I got a wrong number call today. Again. Here is the conversation I just had

Phone: "Ring ring ring!"
Me: "This is John"
Wrong Number Caller (with thick Mexican accent) "Is (whatever name) there?"
Me: "No sorry you have the wrong number."
Wrong Number Caller: "No no no."
Me: "Um, yes. That person doesn't live here"
Wrong Number Caller "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes."
Wrong Number Caller: "Ohhhhh"

Why would you question whether or not I was the one who is wrong? I'm the one answering the phone! Whenever I accidently call the wrong number and realize I made a mistake I usually quickly say "Oops! Sorry!" and hang up. But every time someone wrong numbers me they decide to argue with me about it. WHY? Do you think I accidently picked up someone else's phone in my house? Once I actually had to tell a lady three times that my home was NOT A STORE. "Are you suuuure?" she asked like I was totally insane and SO STUPID that I had no idea that my bedroom was actually a grocery store. EVERY FUCKING TIME someone accidentally calls me they say that same phrase "Are you suuuuure?". It's half the phrase that bugs me and half that they always say it is always in such a suspicious / snotty tone, not even for a second considering that perhaps they might have possibly hit the wrong numbers when dialing. Nope it must be me because they never make mistakes. I must have accidentally wandered into a house off the street because I heard a phone ringing.

There was also the guy who kept asking me if I was SURE that this was indeed my phone number and not some lady he was trying to call. I told him I was absolutely positive I was standing in my apartment surrounded by my bed, my things and my roomates and not some lady's house. AND HE STILL didn't believe me and gave me the "hmph. ok!" in that 'this guy's an idiot" tone (I think I could actually hear him rolling his eyes and gesturing his thumb at me). Maybe he thought I was having an affair with his wife and maaaybe if he puts some pressure on me I'll break down and confess that she was there.

In most cases the person usually calls back at least one more time to repeat the EXACT CONVERSATION we just had. JUST TO BE SURE I was indeed telling the truth.

So the moral of this story is I fucking hate phones.

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